Friday, March 17, 2017


Happy little chicken came home with me today.

Had planned on making this into a pillow with the fabric below as backing. But after I saw how cute the chicken looked setting on it decided I'd use an old muslin backing and make it like a doily.

Old feed sack piece.

Had to have this old red wall shelf to hold another collection!  It will probably be used in a display on the pool table( my newest  display area)  later!

This is what I have on the pool table now. I've order a little yellow ducky book from Amazon to go on here too!

I've  had fun in the evenings creating these pin cushions.

Did some embroidery work on this one!

I sold this "Rooting Coleus" painting  last week.

Sweet sister Judy is battling lung cancer (she's never smoked or allowed smoking in the home) so we are trying to stay positive.  She is pictured outside her home fixed for spring. But alas our more aggressive dog; Tasha is in the window instead of hers!

 Spring on her front stoop.

Beautiful front door spring/summer wreath.

Touches of yellow on her table.

This is where she hangs her seasonal garlands. (over the T.V.)

We found a super sale a few days after Valentines Day. And Judy found the best find! This Love sign!

I was surprised in the mail with this belated birthday gift from Susan Gannon, one of my sweet blog friends. I just love it and have added it all to my Feb. Violet display.

This is my newest/ old book shared by a  sweet friend I am reading. So sweet!

Mary Hiney does just gorgeous handwork. Much ribbon and embroidery work. And Amazon Books makes it so easy to purchase used ones on line!

My special friend, Rose Marie McDonnell gave me this set of  little inspirational books to enjoy published by Christian Herald Library in 1897. Little treasures!  In the book: The Art of Being Agreeable, by Margaret Sangster (I was surprised the author was a woman) she says: In our homes,our offices,our shops,and our farms and factories and streets, we must day by day submit to repression here and practice expression there, if we would fully master the art of being agreeable" Good thought! Happy Spring! Remember to visit my other blog:


  1. Glad to see/read that Judy gets to celebrate Spring! The two of you keep me inspired with your enthusiasm for life - grabbing and creating all the beauty you can & DO and passing it on. ♥

    1. Thanks Rebecca! We are really working at staying positive! Hope you are finding some time for yourself with your busy schedule now too!
