Friday, June 23, 2017


The cover of  "Little Davey's Humor" handmade booklet that I made to give to now 16 yr old Davey on our trip.

I had planned on typing the words before we left, but ran out of time!

So hand wrote it while traveling. Double trouble, as my handwriting is not good anyway and traveling didn't help either!

The back cover.

As some of you know Davey is recovering from an incident where he lost an eye and for now hearing in one ear and breathing out of one nostril. He is making great strides with his memory and physical therapy. We are so encouraged!!

Our grand daughter Tyler is a Deputy Sheriff at the jail there. She gave us a very interesting tour while visiting!

This is Jake and Tyler's home where we stayed for 4 nights.
And their two doggie children; Goob (sp?) & Tuna.

Here's grandpa lamenting over  leaving his former old green van. Now sporting new Idaho license plates!

Here's all of our Utah/ Idaho family enjoying at late lunch at the Texas Roadhouse. On the left is granddaughter Cassie, Tyler is holding her son Liam. Cassie's husband was at work.  Then on left Davey and his mother Grace and then Granddaughter Michail. Back on right me and Maurice, Jake  Tyler's husband, Tyler & Liam.

This is Cassie & Steven's home in Utah where we stayed one night.

Little Liam eventually warmed up to us!

Here we are with our oldest grandson Aaron and his fiancee Montana. they are making plans to move to Indiana in September which will be a lot closer!

We were standing in front of this neat old wood cook stove !

I always take along handwork for the long days of travel. This time I recovered and embellished thrift store stuffed toys!

Didn't get as much "junking time" this trip, but found a few treasures!

A neat old Jan Karon audio book, which of course Maurice was not interested in listening too!

And my first Narnia book! Really enjoying it!

And a long piece of gorgeous tapestry. which I have already painted into one of my Bohemian Floral paintings!

The day before we left town we celebrate Maurice's 81's birthday and fathers day with Son Paul and his partner Tracee and the rest of our K.C.Mo, family.

On right, Maurice, my sister Judy and me. Then on left back to front, granddaughter Jackie, her son Eli  Paul & Tracee. We enjoyed a lunch at the Olive Garden.

Pa Pa & Eli.

I painted this for sister Judy's new Bohemian Garden Room.

Here she is with her coffee early in the morning enjoying the atmosphere!

The lights add to the enchantment!  She is adding and changing things daily!

This fascinating huge sculpture was at a Road Stop on the way home!  We drove 3,100+ miles!! Long and hard trip but worth it to be with our family again!  God Bess You All!