Monday, August 28, 2017


A precious little children's book with copyright date of 1942. Each page shows the red & whire polka dot bow on a different animal.  Adorable and just $1.00!

Meet "Mr Pickles" my latest recreated stuffed animal.

Aren't these the cutest will handmade planters?

Cute Panda on the backporch.

And Puppy!

Neat old wooden box (shelf) for $5.00.

Love the old quilt tops especially when just $18.00's!

Adding this big polka dot strawberry pincushion to my collection.

These little mini animal crackers were so good!

I decided I would see how many different animals there were! 14!

My favorite was the sheep and then the dog!

I keep breaking off a branch of coleus with the hose, but they root fast and make more plants!

Our back porch is such a happy place! I'm doing a painting out here while the weather is cooler.

How's this for an anniversary selfie?  Hope things are going well in your world! Our hearts and prayers are with all those that have suffered and lost so much because of the bad weather and fires! My other

1 comment:

  1. Did I read "Anniversary"?!? Happy one ♥
    And what a WONDERFUL back porch...
    All the whimsy in your recent finds brings a smile to my face.
    And speaking of hosta, last night I posted on a community facebook page that we have hosta and sedum to divide and give away. I have one "taker" so far and need several others! Our hosta have been divided and divided and divided again over the years and we have HUGE ones - and plenty :)
